Spiritual Guide for Soul-led


I am so happy to meet you!  And I love how the Universe helps us connect with each other.

You are here for a reason.  You are a divine being of light and dark and deep inside you know that this life is sacred.


I’ve lived all of this, the mission to figure out why I am here, the climbing into the depths of my own being to understand what it is that I am meant to do here.

I get where you are at.  I know that the deep knowing can be hard, it can feel like a voice that is a constant, a feeling that is a constant and it wants to be heard, felt and lived.

Well, the truth is this is a journey but I am here to work as a wayshower, a channel of light and codes for you.  Your energy is a portalway into your own Ancient Wisdom, your inner knowledge, magic and your purpose.  And my job is to read, translate and share this with you, so you can go out there and light up this world! And kick some ass in the process and change peoples lives…

What can you expect from working with me

•  Clarity

•  A no bullshit approach to what I see and feel

•  A deeper understanding of your fears

•  Delving into your shadows

•  Journeys to your past lives, good, bad and ugly

•  Deep Soul and DNA healing and clearing

•  Stepping back into your power

•  Finding and reclaiming your truth

•  Becoming the fearless and courageous Soul – that you have always been

•  Reconnecting with your Soul potential

•  Clarity on you unique path going forward

working with you

to reach your full

Soul Potential


Explore, discover and nurture your Gifts.

If you have felt the need for a mentor on this spiritual journey, someone who can guide you and your unique energy to a deeper connection and expansion of your Soul Purpose, then have a look at this offering.

A unique program to suite your needs and your energy.  A safe space to grow and work with the higher realms and deeper aspects of your Soul Self.



Now more than ever the Dragons are showing up for so many of us.  Calling us back to a deep remembering and waiting to start working with so many of us.

In my journey as a Dragon Priestess I have  explored the messages and energies of the Elemental Dragons and the Cosmic Dragons.  We are here to listen again and understand our own connection to these lineages, this session is for you if you have heard the call.



The information that you hold locked in your past lives, can explain so much.  By being able to see where we are holding ourselves back, by analysing the patterns and energetic misalignments, we start a great shift within our reality.

The Akashic Records is a portal into who you are, how your Soul wants to show up in this world and how you can reclaim your power and authentic truth. 



The 5-month journey will take you right back to your Soul Essence.  Back to a deep remembering of your spiritual DNA and your gifts, fears and light woven into these strands.

We activate and de-code your strands and take you back to your true purpose.  Embodying your own sacred archetype and healing the fears that are stopping you from being all that you were called to be.


Client Love

Stay in Touch

Grab  my free lemurian light body meditation here